Thursday, August 5, 2010

Concept Maps

I looked at both and but decided to try using bubbl.u. This was mainly because it had more instructions on the moodle site and seemed less complicated. Which was true. It was so simple and easy to save and transport.

It is a fantastic way to incorporate ICT's into a effective classroom strategy. In Frangenheim's (2007) book 'Reflections on classroom thinking strategies' he discuss's how brainstorming is possibly the most common thinking strategy used in the classroom. I must admit I have seen concept maps/ mind maps, bubbles: both single's and double's and other forms of brainstorming used in my prac classes and in university tutorials, but by far this was so easy and effective and easily incorporated ICT's. Teachers should throw away the paper (better for the 21st century anyway!) and use these online tools.

Any teachers reading this please note.... IT WAS SO SIMPLE... JUST GET IN THERE AND TRY IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,
    There has been some debate, that if the purpose of concept mapping was to get the ideas flowing, than doing it online may not be the best method.
    I can now see some advantages to the online method (such as, easily saving, editing and comparing, as well as for presenting), but I still think that if the purpose was to brainstorm ideas, then I would use the old fashioned paper and pen method. Which begs the question: Are there some situations when paper and pen is more effective or better than using the computer? I like to have students, particularly younger students work in groups to brainstorm ideas, using coloured markers and large sheets of paper, they share the task of being the scribe. There are some literacy brainstorming interactives on the read write think site, however, that I think are very effective in getting students to get the ideas flowing, such as venn diagrams, story planners and poetry interactives.
    Another advantage of online concept mapping is that it may be beneficial to a variety of learners, (I used a program called kidspiration, which was particularly good for this aspect)!
