Monday, August 9, 2010

Weebly Website

A website is different to both blogs and wikis. All of these tools have positive and negative attributes but for me I seem to like the website the most. It was very simple to set up with lots of templates etc. Step by step instructions also make it very simple to use. I also like the idea of the website as I find it is more secure. No one is able to comment, like on a blog, or edit your pages, like on a wiki, and what you write on your website is final.

This would be a great tool to use in a summative assessment piece. All learners could work on putting their assessment pieces onto the site for all to view.

You can view my Weebly


  1. Hello Jessica,
    I also found setting up my Weebly website quite easy (although I had help from the Tutorial) I found this tool to be very user friendly, and with the range of templates, and step-by-step processes it is already very scaffolded.
    As we both have Preps, I thought a great way to use a website in the classroom would be to create on about the current unit. The whole class could be involved in the creation of the website, and use it to display movies/information/tasks that are used in the learning experiences. Also students can upload their own work. This would make them feel like experts of the specific theme, and also use this ICT tool in an engaging way to enhance learning. What do you think?

  2. Hi Teagan,
    Yes the scaffolded steps make it very simple. I would definitely do a step-by-step instruction list if I was going to get learners to start the website up by themselves (with only a little teacher guidance).

    I love your idea for my Preppies. After you put this comment up I was thinking about other ways of incorporating the website into the Prep class. I came up with a end of year project for the preps. The website could include photo's, work samples, comments and other things they have done over the entire year and it could be called "My year at Prep!" (or something similar). This would be a nice way for learners, parents and staff to communicate and share. I feel the parents would appreciate the effort made by the teacher. You could give the URL to parents to forward onto grandparents and other family members. Also, you would then have something to show the new Preps the following year about what to expect. Might ease their worries about their first year at school.

    Like I said in my blog I think it is a lot safer using the Website instead of the Wiki or other editable online tools.

